Department of Military and Veterans Affairs

New Jersey Historic Trust Affiliated with the Department of Community Affairs

Christ Church Cemetery, Bordentown

Garden State Historic Preservation Trust Fund
Preserve New Jersey Historic Preservation Fund
Historic Site Management Grant
Grant Award: $7,500 (2012); $18,000 (2017)
Grant Recipient: Christ Church, Bordentown
County: Burlington
Municipality: Bordentown City

The grantee is the owner and steward of four historic burial grounds that comprise one three-acre property. Quaker, Baptist, Methodist, and Episcopal burials are represented, and the site includes burials of soldiers who served in all conflicts from the Revolution to the Vietnam conflict. Some of the most influential early families of Bordentown are buried here as well, and the earliest identifiable stone is 1740. The burial ground is a repository of potential cultural, artistic, military and local history interpretive themes.

The 2017 Trust grant helped fund the cleaning and preservation of 145 gravestones and the installation of security lighting.  The 2012 grant helped fund a conditions assessment of the entire burial site, the development of a research database that will be posted online, and creation of interpretive materials that will showcase local history.

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